Skip Sweener could well be married in order to John Esposito, Jr

Jesse Haley of Western Stephentown

Miss Shirley Anne Sweener are guest from honor in the a bridal bath provided by multiple family relations Wednesday in the Taconic Area Grange Hallway, Stephentown. Fifty-around three people went to. October 4 within Zion’s Lutheran Chapel, Pittsfield, Size. – IDON

Skip Ella M. Sweener, child off Mr. and you will Mrs. Nelson L. Sweener from Stephentown Cardiovascular system, was idon, young buck out of Mr. and you may Mrs. George Amidon out of Cherry Simple, November 18, from the Lebanon Springs that have Rev. The latest bride used a deep blue several-bit top having lover neck range, long indicated arm, a gray coating and you may a cap to fit. She wore a corsage from white flowers.Skip Emma Yerson, the bridesmaids, dressed in a black colored dress with yellow jewelry, a black coat and you will cap and you can a good corsage regarding reddish flowers.New bride’s mommy dressed in a gray cotton printing skirt and you may a good corsage out-of reddish flowers, as the bridegroom’s mother used brownish crepe with good corsage out of white flowers.brand new lobby adopted within home of one’s bride’s moms and dads. Shortly after a wedding travel the happy couple makes their property with the newest bridegroom’s moms and dads.Brand new bride went to Berlin Central Senior high school which will be employed by the fresh Reis Mill when you look at the Berlin. Mr. Amidon including went to Berlin Main School and is employed by Arnold Brogue in the Petersburg. – December step one, 1948(This will be my personal Brother Ella, my mother’s cousin. Sibling Howard passed away on the 1996, having been married getting forty eight age. It resided their whole e household one Brother Howard came to be into the, and that they moved into pursuing the the matrimony trip. Sis Ella marketed our house 2 years once Uncle Howard’s demise, and now lives in Bennington, VT., in which she actually is an most sexy brazilian girl effective nanny to three small children. She’s a couple of grown up sons and some grandchildren and you can great grandchildren.) Mr. and you may Mrs. John D. Hall regarding Eastern Nassau now established new involvement of the promote child Theresa Irene Corellis in order to Lawrence U. Sweener, young man away from Mr. and you can Mrs. Ulysses Sweener out-of Stephentown.Miss Corellis might be a person in second week’s graduating group during the The fresh Lebanon Central College and you may plans to sit-in an effective comptometer university in Albany.Mr. Sweener is actually at this time involved with design focus on his dad. – Summer 11, 1957 Doris Wheeler Involved to Syracuse Elderly

Oscar Arnold officiating

Mr. and you will Mrs. Thomas H. Wheeler out of Stephentown, announce brand new engagement of their, Doris Mae Wheeler so you’re able to Arthur F. Brick, young buck from Mrs. J. R. Stone of great Shoulder, Ny. Skip Wheeler is an alumna of the latest Lebanon Central University. She is actually graduated from the School off Iowa University regarding Nursing, having a-b.S. knowledge during the 1946. she actually is today getting courses toward their unique master’s knowledge on Syracuse School.Mr. Brick is an elderly on College or university out-of Systems from the Syracuse School. He invested 3 years about Military Medical Corps during Globe Conflict II.

The marriage will be kept October 14, during the family of fiance-elect inside the Stephentown. – s of urban area announces the newest involvement out-of their particular child, Miss Dorothy Edna Barnes to Wyatt J. Haley, child out-of Mr. and you may Mrs.

Skip Barnes, good 1947 scholar of new Lebanon Main School, are probably the fresh new Austin College or university regarding Charm Culture, Albany, from which she’s going to graduate inside April. Mr. Haley try a graduate regarding Averill Park Senior high school and Farming Institute, Cobleskill. They are an old worker of one’s Ny Electricity & White Agency and you can try employed for an occasion within Thomas Driveway, Lebanon Springs. He now could be from the U.S. Army, stationed from the Go camping Pickett, Va. – February 23, 1949

A statement was developed now of the relationships away from Mrs. Rachel Nichols of this town and George Williams out of Troy. The ceremony is did Sunday day of the Rev. Homer B. Silvernail from the their residence from inside the Watervliet. Mr. and you may Mrs. Clayton Wheeler out of Troy have been attendents. – July 23, 1952 Skip Eva Goodermote from Stephentown, child away from Mrs. Irving Geerholt and Norman C. Brownish from Stephentown, son away from Fred Letter. Brownish was basically married Saturday-night, February thirteen, at the seven:30 regarding parsonage by the Rev. H. B. Silvernail within Lebanon. The couple make their residence into the Stephentown. – February 23, 1944 DODDS Observe 50TH Wedding anniversary

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