While monitored by medical professionals, a high-functioning alcoholic can safely detox and have all needs met comfortably to prepare for a treatment program. Treatment itself is highly tailored to each patient’s needs and guided by an initial assessment. Learning how to live without alcohol is dependent on participating in a variety of evidence-based therapies and wellness activities. Sleep issues and sexual dysfunction can be results of high-functioning alcoholism, too. Health-related consequences include liver damage, brain damage, heart disease, and high blood pressure. In addition, some heavy drinkers will experience gastrointestinal bleeding and pancreatitis as well.

How do I know if I’m an alcoholic?

Impaired control over alcohol use

This might mean not being able to control how long a drinking session is, how much alcohol you consume when you do drink, how frequently you drink, being unable to stop drinking once you start, or drinking on inappropriate occasions or at inappropriate places.

Having two to three signs is considered a mild form of AUD, four or five is moderate, and six or more of these signs would mean your AUD is severe. If they are open and willing, they might enter into an inpatient rehab and begin a new chapter in life. If they https://ecosoberhouse.com/ are in denial, you will have to hold fast to your boundaries. But your value is not dictated by your loved one and their addiction. Alcoholics often suffer withdrawal symptoms if they are forced to stay sober or are cut off from their alcohol supply.

Questions About Treatment?

More recently, a 2020 study found that people who used alcohol to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic were more likely to drink alone and drink to excessive amounts. Researchers cited further risk factors, such as having a child under 18 and at home, having depression, and having fewer social interactions due to the pandemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 95,000 people lose their lives every year due to excessive alcohol use. If you or a loved one is struggling, give us a call to learn more about our programs and how we can help. Psychotherapy, or “talk therapy,” is a popular treatment method for alcohol addiction. If you spot signs of alcoholism in a loved one, encourage them to seek help.

The first step for most people is detox, which means quitting alcohol. A detox may take place at a hospital or inpatient facility, such as rehab. It is important to note that these signs may not be obvious to a loved one or friend. This is because people can be skillful at hiding the signs of an issue with alcohol. Individual therapy, combined with marriage or family counseling, can strengthen your self-esteem and help you build a healthy, sober relationship.

Does a High Functioning Alcoholic Need Treatment?

We’ll explore this next before we examine how to identify and help a high-functioning alcoholic in your life. Family members, friends, and colleagues may notice signs of alcohol abuse, such as slurred speech, an unsteady gait, or an unwillingness to participate in evening social activities. Those high functioning alcoholic with high-functioning alcoholism often binge drink, consuming five or more per sitting and typically drinking every other day. They are also more likely to have attended college and even hold an advanced degree. Family members may feel on edge and worried about their loved ones drinking.

high functioning alcoholic

Alcohol abuse left untreated can be very dangerous, as alcohol addiction tends to be progressive in nature. This means that over time an individual will build a physiological tolerance to alcohol, resulting in them needing more of the substance over time to produce the same desired effect. Delay of treatment coupled with progression of alcohol abuse can result in more damage being done over an extended period of time, especially to relationships and their physical and mental health. It is important to understand that these people’s achievements are earned in spite of, and not because of, alcohol use. Regardless of personal success, prolonged alcohol abuse carries serious health risks and poses many negative consequences.

Do They Experience Withdrawal?

This article explores the meaning of the term high functioning alcoholic, looks at the signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorder (AUD), how people can help friends and family, and more. Treatment programs at The Recovery Village include a full spectrum of alcohol recovery services, from alcohol detox to rehab, aftercare and sober housing. When you’re ready to seek help, or if you have questions about how to live with an alcoholic, we’re here for you. If the consequences of high-functioning alcoholism have become overwhelming, and your loved one refuses to seek help for alcohol abuse, it could be time to plan an intervention. An intervention is a planned meeting in which the concerned parties confront the alcoholic about their behavior. People who are high-functioning alcoholics can be overconfident about their ability to do tasks while under the influence of alcohol.

Though the physical sensation of dependence may look different, these things have already occurred. HFAs likely believe that they can control their drinking and need a safe place to find honesty within themselves. Creating connection and rapport is vital to establishing a cooperative effort to reach this goal. Professionals can use techniques like motivational interviewing to assist in breaking the denial that the clients are experiencing, while trying to focus on internal consequences. Although the 12-step programs are not found to be a theory or model of treatment, there is great success in the support that the groups create.

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